Hello, my name is LadyDom13.  Thank you for viewing my site.  All art work and photography on this site are © LadyDom13, 2017.  Please do not use images without express permission.

My art is more than just a rendering of my own particular view of the world.

It is not confined to a single interpretation or reality.  It is, I believe, an investigation of the dynamics of a particular subject.  For me, this means the manipulation of its effects, which aides in transcending what I, or most of us, commonly hold to be true about a person, item, or place.  Specifically, I highlight, through the use of multilayered images, the fragility and instability of our seemingly certain reality.  I am not unlike the poet or writer that seeks to clarify as my art depicts moments that punctuate the human drama. 
In this way, I seek to challenge the limits of my audience’s imagination; and for that matter, my own.

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